Sort of a ramble
Dear herri,
I wanted to say that I just finished experiencing herri#1.
My god I thought the New Yorker magazine was dense… It is so rich in content that I feel like I took a course or something. It is an overwhelming web/zine and I wanted to thoroughly immerse myself in it before I would give you a sign of life again. It took way longer then expected. I learned about Mantombi and was blown away after listening to her music for hours and reading about her suddenly a link appeared of a filmclip about CCC and the nature of time and history and the loop of existence (later somewhat re-appearing in an interview with Moor Mother). This is excellent and a beautiful example of what a website can do (to my fragile brain).

The piece on Moor Mother was very fresh because she seems to me the kind of artist Pitchfork or VICE would write about and I have have grown weary of their ‘taste-policing’ and become bored with them (ironically!) so to read about her from Anele Nzimande, a black-African-woman opened a whole new door in my mind.
The whole African perspective is just so fresh to me, and yet don’t forget my mother’s father was from Somalia.
Don’t know what I’m trying to say with that just don’t forget it.
The piece by Warrick Sony of course brought back a lot of memories about the Seymour Likely days in Amsterdam.
So fascinating to see what was going on on the other side of the world. I loved the 40 min. documentary by Zandi Tisane.
Other pieces, for instance the one from Marietjie Pauw, puzzled me and never lost their mystery which in its own way can be seen as a good thing and I liked the composition in blue.
The whole website is gorgeous and mysterious for that matter and it took me a long time to truly understand the way it is set up this is partly due to my deteriorating mind, I have Hashimoto disease since 4 years and brain-fog is slowly introduced into my life, not necessarily bad by the way but I am not as snugger as I just to be. More handsome yes, snugger not so much.
Zombies is a great film and the piece written about it is very good.
I liked the diversity in content with the poetry and (web)art) very much.
herri this is a great zine, congratulations, I mean that.
I am starting on issue#2 and want to keep up after herri#3.
Sort of a ramble,
Warm regards,