In 2018 I dipped my feet into the world of modular synths. The
entire African continent has only a handful of shops selling Eurorack modules which is really sad. Also, Eurorack modules are overly priced for someone in my context. My only option was to go the DIY route. I looked up schematics and started modifying some circuits and building others from scratch. All parts in my modular were sourced locally. In a few months I had learnt so much about electronics and analog synths and I had built what is an almost decent modular synth. I believe this is Africa’s first home made modular synth. I hope this video inspires someone out there to build their own synth.
Finally got a name for my modular synth. It’s the AFRORACK since everyone else plays the EURORACK. I added a ladder filter, a sequential switch and a logic module which creates interesting percussions. I’ve also made my modular synth more portable by enclosing all power connections within the cabinets unlike in the previous video so set up and moving around is much easier. I also played my first gig for people. Was nervous at first since I didn’t do any sound check but it turned out well.
My attempt at Acid Inspired techno.
Hot at Lake Victoria the source of the longest River in the world..!!
Due to the prevailing situation of Covid 19 the world over, I did a different kind of project from the electronics and modular synths. It’s my attempt to be useful to my community at this time. My idea is to make disinfectant that I can give away for free to people that may not be able to afford soap or sanitizer. If you are are interested in seeing this project proceed consider making a donation.
Performed with Pocket Operator 400, Arturia Drum Brute and circuit bent Zoom RFX 2000 recorded for Nyeg Nyege/ Refraction festival.

Brian Bamanya’s Afrorack youtube channel is here: