Ek stiek uit soos ’n chameleon,
Ek is nou hier langs jou,
Dan’s ek soema binne jou tv in
’n verkleremannetjie in die verkere company
Ek change colours soes groen, bruin en blou
Ek is alles waarvan jy hou,
Ek’s die downfall van ‘n bruin ou
In die townships is ek ‘n main ou
Ek is daai ding wat die working class in die werk hou
Ek is die rede hoekom baie predekante kerk hou
Ek is trouble en ek like om te sien hoe onskuldige mense struggle
I appear like a chameleon
I’m right next to you then suddenly I’m inside your Television.
A chameleon in the wrong company.
I change colours like green, brown and blue.
I am everything that you like.
I am the downfall of the brown man.
In the townships I am the main man.
I am that thing keeping the working class at work.
I am the reason preachers maintain church.
I am trouble
And I like to see innocent people struggle.

Ek is die cause van die violence en hoekom it aanhou
Ek is die rede hoekom prostitutes aan mans klou
Ek is die rede hoekom brasse jou sal rob en skop sonne ophou
En as die nood druk, dan stiek ek naald soos ‘n speld,
En ek is die rede vir daai bra se demise op die veld
I am the cause of the violence and why it continues.
I am the reason prostitutes cling to men.
I am the reason you get robbed and kicked repeatedly
Too much of me then I start controlling you
When the need pressures one, I prick like a needle.
I am the reason for that guy’s demise on the field.
As ‘n laaitjie toe jy my verloor het, het jou taanie vir jou hard geslat met die belt.
Deur my, want ek is geld
Nou net as jy check jy’t my uitgefigure sê ek haaties
Ek change in daai ding wat jy invat by parties
Ek is daai ding wat ‘n vibe bring,
Ek laat jou verbeel jy kan kwaai sing
I can even make you cry vrind
Of engels praat, en it afbriek
As a kid when you lost me, your mother beat you with a belt
Because of me, I am money.
Now just when you think you’ve got me figured out
I change into that thing that you drink at parties
I put you in a vibe
I make you imagine you can sing.
I can even make you cry friend.
Or make you speak broken English

Ek is die rede hoekom jy daai bra wil hard steek
Ek is die rede hoekom jy Sondag oggene laat tiep
Ek is die rede hoekom jy die laws wil ’n kaat skiet
But it baat’ie met daai asem, sal jy dit nie maakie
Met my in jou system Is jy totally reckless
Ek is ’n alchoholic se supper, lunch en breakfast.
En as jy jou motjie klap sal jy vir my blame
Ek laat die pyn verdwyn, want ek is wyn
I’m the reason you want to stab someone
I’m the reason you over-sleep on a Sunday.
I am the reason you lie to the police,
but with that breath you won’t convince them.
With me in your system, you are totally reckless.
I am an alchoholic’s supper, lunch & breakfast
And if you beat your wife, you will blame me.
I take away the pain, I am wine.

Ek’s ‘n tool van oppression
In die form van ’n chemical warfare experiment,
Ek is Wouter Basson se blêrrie kind,
Ek lat jou omkap as ek jou mond vat
Ek slat jou long pap en jy khoil jou sop nat as jy die grond vat
Wie is ek?
Ek is ‘n Methaqualone en ek dra die ghettho se kroon
Ek’s n gangster se droem,
hulle meng my met boem
I’m a tool of oppression
in the form of a chemical warfare experiment.
I am Wouter Basson’s damn brainchild.
I make you fall over when I hit your mouth and punch out your lungs.
And you’ll hit the ground drooling
Who am I?
I am a methaqualone
I wear the ghetto’s crown.
I’m a gangster’s dream,
they mix me with weed.
Ek’s ’n button, but can change into a flyt,
Ek is hello dinges, hoe lyk jy vir my?
Sy’sie nog ‘n mens’ie, sy’s net ’n myt,
Ek is die rede hoekom jy ha wil gryp innie ronte ruk en rape
Fotsha, my fingerprints,
Ek is ignorance
Ek maak jou dom
Ek maak you dwaas
Ek mak lat jy alles mis kyk tewyl ek vi jou glaas x 2
Raak wys
Ek is ignorance!
I am a Mandrax tablet, but I change into a whistle.
I am “Hey baby, how about you and me?”
Then I say “She is not a human, she’s just a slut.”
I am the reason you want to grab, shake, kick and rape her.
I am money, drugs, wine and rape.
Check out my fingerprints
Roeland Street Jail
Hier’s ek weer
Voor die deur
Voor die deur van die magistraat
Ooh la my basie wat het ek gemaak Toe kry ek nege maande daar bo innie roeland…1 2 3 4 STRAAT
Here I am again, in front of the door,
the door of the magistrate.
Oh my boss what have I done. Why did I get 9 months in Roeland Street Jail … 1 3 4 5 street (x2)
Dialogue – Jits, Charl, Janine, Emile, Jethro
Hier’s ek weer
Voor die deur
Voor die deur van die magistraat
Ooh la my basie wat het ek gemaak Toe kry ek nege maande daar bo innie roeland…x 2
Hier’s ek weer, hier’s ek weer
Met my Honda voor jou deur
Ek wil jou he, ek gan jou kry
Here I am again with my Honda in front of you door
I want you, I will get you
Here I am again with my Honda in front of you door
I want you, I will get you

Hier’s ek weer, hier’s ek weer Met my Nissan voor jou deur Ek wil jou he, ek gan jou kry
Al slaan jou ma my drie mal op my kop
Dan staan ek op en ek kom weer
En al slaan jou pa my drie mal op my kop
Dan staan ek op en ek kom weer En ek kom weer…..x 8
Even if your mother hits me thrice on my head, I want you and I will get you. Then I will stand up and come again. (x2)
And I will come again … (The song changes from referencing the boss to referencing the love for a woman and how we are willing to keep coming back irrespective of getting hurt over and over again
The Rainmaker
Vroeg een oggend is die medisyne man op pad na sy vrou by hom kom kerm en knou: “Gaan praat mettie! Gi:xa dat hy reën vir ons bring, sodat ons dit kan opgaar en ons gate vul. Die reën maak die uie en knolle vet en ryp, heeltyd drink ons die bitterheid.”
Early one morning the medicine man was on his way to his wife where she was complaining and nagging. Go and speak to the Gi:xa (spirits) so that they can give us rain and fill our waterholes. The rain make the bulbs and roots fat. While we are drinking bitterness.
Die medisyne man stem in om sy broer saam te vat want dié het lank laaaank laas gejag. ”Die bossies is bros, springbokkies is bleek…breek vir ons die boosheid en bring vir ons reen. Die grond kook aaneen dat my knieknoppe skroei van agter die volstruis le en kruip en my taak bemoei!”
He agrees to take his brother along so hey can hunt. The busses are dry and the springbok are skinny. Please breake the cruse and bring us rain. My knees are dry from crawling behind the ostrich and making my task difficult.

!gi:xa sê toe ewe suur: “Ek is baie kwaad virrie mense hier. Hulle sien die donker wolke vorm en stook hulle die vuur, vir vrede en weiding kom die reëndier. Kom na die waterbul se lêplek vanaand, bly weg van die wind want waar ons dwaal sal dit ons uit ons staanspoor verklap. Boegoe is die tou besmeer, die waterbul hou mos van die geur. Gryp met ’n mening, staan vas in jou spoor, gryp die stert, stoei mettie horings, plant julle agter en voor! Die volk reken op ons parate plig, so dink die koors, leed, smart en hongersnood as ons die waterbul verloor!
!Gi:xa says that he is angry at the people here. They see the clouds gather, but then they add wood to the fire, the rain bull comes in peace and for grazing. Come to where the rain bull lays tonight and stay downwind. Bring a rope smeared with buchu because the water bull likes this smell. Grab with opinion, stand strong in your spoor, grab the tail, wrestle the horns, plant yourself behind and in front. The tribe depends on us, their hunger and struggle depends on our success.

Saggies…saggies…! Gi:xa gryp en breek die reëndier se ribbes en strooi dit rond, waar dit val spruit water oor die grond. Die noordewind gaar wolke saam, nou beweeg die reen op bene. Die wolke haar hare, versier met weerligstrale. Almal hardloop na hulle hutte in angs. Bang!
Softly x 2 !Gi:xa grabs and breaks the waterbulls ribs and spreads the it around. Where it falls, water gushes out of the ground. The north wind gather clouds and the rain moves on legs. The clouds her hair decorated with lightning. Everyone runs to their huts, nervous and afraid.
Die !gi:xa is nie meer magtig, maar uitgedryf as misterieus en sinister. Nie meer die volks geneesheer, inteendeel.. ..nou word man en vrou bekeer. Brood en wyn is deel van ‘n sekere bloed en vleis ritueel, ge-orkestreer deur ‘n sendeling in sy swart karos met sy boek met die rooi tong wat klap –ken hy die bol en knoll wat die !gi:xa uit die randjies gaan haal het? Ken hy die jakkals dans wat ons innie maanlig trans? Stukkend is ons tromme geslaan om nou ‘n weg na sy kerk te baan. ‘n monsterieuse gebou tot eer aan sy god deur ons hande gevorm. Nou is ons geklas as arm en stom. Dom.
The !Gi:xa is more powerful, but chased out as mysterous and sisnister. No longer the peoples medicene man, instead now man and woman are converted. Bread and Wine ae now part of a blood and flesh ritual. Orchestarted by a missionary in a black jacket, with its book with a red tongue that snaps from it. Does he know the “boll and knoll” that the !gi:xa fetched from the hills? Does he know the Jackal dance that we trance-danced in the moonlight. Our drums are now hit broken to lead the way to their church. A building built with our hands for their god. Now we are labeled a stupid, dumb.

Wie gaan nou vir ons die reën bring?
Who will now going to bring us rain?
Athlone, Mowbray, Wynberg
Kaap toe nou, kaap toe nou x 2 Cape Town, Cape Town Madagascar, Zanzibar, Cape Town Malaysia, Asia, Cape Town Duitsland, Holland, Nederland, C.T. Kaap toe nou, Kaap toe nou
Athlone, Mowbray, Wynberg To Cape Town now, to Cape Town now
Madagascar, Zanzibar, Cape Town Malaysia, Asia, Cape Town Duitsland, Holland, Nederland, C.T. To Cape Town now, to Cape Town now
Jy sien, die taal wat ek en jy praat is ’n Criole ding
Is amper soos om te kom se
Hy’t ’n klomp ma’s en pa’s, ouma’s en oupa’s
Jy wiet mos wat is tweegevriet
Nou Afrikaaps is klomp gevriet Maar’s glo walik, hy’tie baasie
You see this language you speak is a Creole language
Its almost like saying that it had many mothers and fathers and grandparents.
It makes it seem two faced or many faced.
Now AfriKaaps is many-faced
It does not have a boss that dictates what it should be.
Môre, môre, môre Taanie
En die ghoema songs en nederlandse liedere
Wat die nag tieme sing het vir jou klom meaning in.
As jy ma net moet hoor en luister wat ons sing
Sal it vir jou betere understanding bring
Morning, morning, morning Aunty.
I am a ghoema song changed from the Netherlands
and that the nagtroupe/ minstrels gave lots of meaning.
If you should just listen and hear what we sing,
then it will bring more meaning to you.
into Q Emile“Ko ons maak dit legal”
Come let us make it legal.
Legal Legal Legal
Afrikaaps Is Legal x 3

Baie menses stry en praat van legalize die taal
Mixit op in Engels
Bine in ’n hele klom styles
Lekit menie waarheid
Druk vas met konfidens
En soes ek chant
NYAH BINGI binne in Afrikaaps Wat ’n Gai
Many people argue about legalizing the language
Mixit up with English
and into many different styles. Link it with the truth
and press forth with confidence. And as we chant
Nyahbingi into Afrikaaps.
What a fool,
Jy vra nog – “wat is dai?”
Vat my taal mar kannie my siel vattie
Binne in Hof
Ek verteenwoordig net myself
Ma onthou as ek Rap
Ha wil ek klink soes sum1else Kom sit hie by die vuur
En ha ko hoor jy my gesels Kaapse Khoi, moet nou die
Rasta Livity omhels
Kinners word verkrag
Hie innie kaap nog onner 11
En die beste Football players innie Kaap is vannie Delft!
you still ask what is that.
Take my language but you can’t steal my soul,
you damn fucker.
In the court
I represent only myself,
but when I rap
I want to sound like someone else. Come sit around the fire
and listen to me speak.
Cape Town Khoi should now embrace Rasta Livity/ living. Children under 11 are being raped here in the Cape
and the best soccer players in the Cape are from Delft.
Legal Legal Legal Afrikaaps Is Legal x 3
Som noemit n slaaf taal Anner noemit n slang baby
Som noemit n kommunikasie Tussenie Khoi San enie Malaysi Die Nederland en Germany American and English
Anner Mense comment net
Op n criole basis
Os is n donker vrag wat voel Nai dies os land se vryheid
En os kan count op osse TAAL Osse siel te liberate
Som noemit n flop, van n kop, meni ou skiewe pot
Wat gekommit op n skip en os benoemit HOTNOT
Some call it a slave language, others call it a slang language.
Some call it a communication between Khoi San and Malaysian. The Netherlands, Germany, American and English.
Some people only comment
on a creole basis.
We are a dark mass that feels
this is our country’s freedom.
And we can count on our language to liberate our souls.
Some call it a flop of a head with a scew pot
that came with a ship and they called it hotnot
Legal Legal Legal Afrikaaps Is Legal x 3
Die voorvaders is jou ouers se ouers, se ouers, se ouers
Hulle is in jou bloedstroom
Hulle woel deur jou liggaam aanhoudend
The Ancestors are your parents’, parents’, parents’ parents
They are in your bloodstream,
you feel them in your body all the time..
Hulle praat deur jou tong
They speak through your tongue
Hulle wil he jy moet praat soes hulle gepraat het
Sodat hulle kan aanleef en onthou word
So, wanneer jy in jou moedertong praat
Hou jy hulle lewendig
Moet nooit vergeet: hulle probeer heeltyd om jou te lei
Vind jouself
So vat jou tyd en luister
They want you speak as they did. So that they can live on and be remembered.
So when you speak in your mother-tongue,
you keep them alive.
Don’t ever forget that they are trying to lead you.
Find yourself,
So take your time and listen.
Jy sal hulle hoor x 4 (all)
You will hear them x 4

This song is basically about how we show off on credit and do not own the things we claim are ours … ( I can translate on the day if they really wanna know) …
Hier’s jou Zambuck, ID covers, R5 games, ophou skaam is.
Ons haal daai pryk af!
Wie issie woeste? sous die soetste? Altyd voor oppie waentjie
Praat, hier’s ek as jy moeg is! Jou geluk: peanuts! Jou chips Dis rand jou gwais
“Gee lighter daar!”
Smoke with metjies and buy a plaas Daai’sie jokes’ie, five bob n boksie Hoe likes jy daai? Kwaai!

Waa jou kaartjie?
Wat se Hai jinne gaarjie
Jy bly dieselle kaart skiet
Ek gat jou nie lat pass’ie
Roep sommer security
Chuma is oppie stasie, oral om jou
Sien jy swart broek en groen baadjie
En jy’s in eerste klas met 3de klas kaartjie Met n bree smile but ek sien niks snaaksie Moet my nie verlaatie
Ek’s noggie kla gepraatie
Jy se die trein is vol
Ha wag jy vi die next….
Hou gou vas, daar moet ek waai.

Is jy wild op skuld, is jy wild op skuld, ons gooi daai taal
Ons gooi daai tongrol, gooi daai tongrol Ons gooi daai tongrol, gooi daai tongrol x 2
Wag, wag
Crab innie bucket syndrome Klim oppie corporate ladder Van jou – checkit overall Tot jou – supervisor hair do Tog innie selfde trein geklim Nog n skyf aangeklop
Hier kom hai klong alwee VOETSEK! Hou op loaf!

Awe julle se ek loaf, maar daai’s ‘ie eintlik wa nie
Ek collect rent vir land, wat julle nie vir wil betaal ‘ie
Soesie taal hie Afrikaans het die slawe create
Julle good neighbourliness, is wa julle os uitsmyt
Apratheids nog sterk, is os wat julle ryk werk
Os ryk sterk vannie glue en’ie spirits wat os optrek
Osse kerks S.A.B. , die grootste drug dealer Ko weg met moord, wie control’ie drunk driver

Is jy wild op skuld, is jy wild op skuld, ons gooi daai taal
Ons gooi daai tongrol, gooi daai tongrol Ons gooi daai tongrol, gooi daai tongrol x6
Is jy wild op skuld, is jy wild op skuld, ons gooi daai taal
Ons gooi daai tongrol, gooi daai tongrol Ons gooi daai tongrol, gooi daai tongrol x2