The Listening of Horror
We hear so much about the outer world of sonics, what of the inner mutations that open us onto the unknown; the elaboration of soundscapes, portals to the inevitable horrors of existence; temptations to the alien absence: the incongruities of monstrous objects in the music of unseen worlds surrounding us; throbbing meat hanging in the dark interstellar corridors between galactic nights.

Sonic Horrorism: Unsound and Dead Music
Sonic warfare will create the haunted technoscapes of the future, soundworlds of decay and destruction leading humans to joyous omnicide at the hands of their own music. As in the days of old when the great whales of the oceans followed the ley lines of their magnetic fields into the beached wonders of serene suicide, so will humanity under the hauntology of sonic catastrophe ride the musical chaos between silences into the deadly inferno of self-lacerating annihilation.
“One of the focuses of the unit is to investigate deceptive frequency-based strategies, technologies, and programmes developed by military organizations to orchestrate phenomena of tactical haunting within conflict zones. They claim that this ‘martial hauntology’ is a subset of an overarching weaponisation of vibration. Their ongoing experiments have been concerned with the field of peripheral sonic perception – what they have dubbed ‘Unsound’”
From AUDINT – Unsound:Undead (Urbanomic/Art Editions)