Tladi Lefifing!
Nako gape gape lefatshe le ise le timella ke seemo
Lefifi Tladi.
E fetole bana ba mmu ditšhuana
Dichuna di ellang nokeng di namela dithaba
Dichuana di sa itse modumo wa tlou e tshwereng ke leino….

Karolo ya mathomo: (Nkebe!)
Eh jo! Esmarnete! Weitse ke gantšhi bjang ke utlwa batho ba re, nkebe’ ge ba bolela ka mokgwa o naga e leng ka teng ka mo tlase ga puso ya magatlapa. Bangwe ba re nkebe re lwele, ba bangwe ba re ba nkebe go dumelletswe gore sechaba se be teng ka Codessa. Ba bangwe ba re mathata a rena a thomile ke yona Codessa ya teng, ba bangwe ba re kgale dimpja tse di re rekisitse. Re imelwa ke ditlhogo bjanong ka bolwetsi ba nkebe.
Nkebe ke ngwana wa morago. Re tla ya pele bjang, re sa lebelle ko morago? Morago kae?
Ele gore why ke re re boelle ko megwangeng eo? Go iragetse enge ka yona?
Ke kgwela mathe mo fatshe, ge a oma ebe o boile! Go ra gore ge o boella morago o ka se ye kgole,o tla no jika mo kgaufi, 1994. Go re re e tlhafune pila taba e, go tlhokega gore re fatlhollege, re tswe mo lefifing le re leng mo lona. Gape re wetse ke leru! Ba bantšhi ba re re tlhoka karabo ya semoya. Ke dumellana le bona mara bona…..gore re utlwisise gore bothata ba rena ke enge re tlhoka go fatlhollwa ka lesedi la Tladi!
Ke tlhele ke nwa mo sedibeng sa Lefifi Tladi. Mo ngwageng o (2023), ke memilwe ke Yunivesithi ya Kolone mo Jeremane go re ke tlo bapatsa kitso le go ira dipatlisiso ka megopolo ya bana ba thari ba dutseng mo Yuropa sebaka. Ebile ke ngwala shandis e gona hier, motse Berlin. Go bapatsa kitso ya ka ditiragalo tsa naga ya rena, ke ba tliseditse The Vocal Museum, ka e tshameka le batshemeki ba go tswa gae le mothaka o mongwe wa ko Cameroon o ntseng ka mo nako e telle. Ya dipatlisiso ke e arabile ka The Diaspora Experiment, ke e tshamikile le mathaka a mararo a ko Ghana le o mongwe wa ko Turkey. Mo gare ga tsona ditiragatso tse, ke gatisitse polelo ya segopotso sa June 16 ko Rautenstrach-Joost Museum e gatisitsweng mo mafarathlatllheng a Facebook.

Ke ile ko sedibeng Go nontsha polelo ya segopotso, ke boetse maropeng sa Lefifi Tladi gape, ka mema setšaba gore se tlo nwa le nna. Nkhape sedibeng seo wena o balang mo ka gore ke bona Tladi a le botlhokwa thata go re thusa go alafa bolwetsi bo ba nkebe. Ke ngaka e re e tlhokang mo matsatsing a. Re tlhoka tladi lefifing, go re matlafatsa gore re kgone go tlosa leru le le re wetseng.
LEFIFI TLADI: Ge o ka lebella yona issue e ya Codessa, it never even touched the real cause ya exile ya bana ba 1976, you know, niks! Except ba ba suleng ho tshwana le bo Tsietsi. Tshwanetse re ye ko modung pele. 1994 ne e le ona ngwaga o nkebe re kopane re le sechaba, re itshebe. Gore le bona baetamorago ba rena ba kgone gore tlhalosetsa gore boipuso bo, bo ra enge. Sa mathomo se nkebe se irilwe ke gore go ba ne le mmereko wa semoya, wa go ithlatswa, go ikolomaka. Mmereko wa go tlosa mabadi a Apartheid. Sa pele, se nkebe se irilwe….wa bona ka setso sa rena motho ge a ile tronkong, ge a tswa tronkong , wa tlhapisiwa. Ebile ka dinako tse dingwe, ba go tlhapisa o sa le ko veneng, ka mokgwa o tronko e na leng senyamanyama ka teng, le go e nkgella fela! Ge ke bolela ka go tlhapisiwa, ka itse gore bontšhi ba rena ba tlhapisitswe ko malapeng a bona mara ne re sa ya trokong ka mabaka a family. Re ile tronkong ka hobane ne re lwela setšhaba. Thats why ne re tlhoka a national cleansing ceremony.. Ebile ka 1994, ne re le letlhogonolo ka gore ne re sentse re na le dingaka tsa nnete, boCredo Mutwa. Ke bona ne ba tshwantse ba re etele pele ka go tlhapisa batho bo botlhe ba ne ba leng ko trongkong ya Robbers Island. Ne go le botlhokwa gore go be le lenaneo la go tlhapisiwa la sechaba, eseng fela ya ko lapeng. Ke nagana le gore go na le leina lateng, amsho ka seZulu, bare ba go tlhapisa sejindane. Nna ke itse go jinda ka setsotsi….. Ge ba fetsa go tlhapisa ba ne ba le ko chankaneng ko nokeng, ne tshwantse go latele matlola trata, ba ba reng ke ma-exile. Le bona ne ba tshwanetse ba tlhapisiwe ka gore ne ba le ko jarateng ya tronko. That’s what exile was all about! Endene ge ba fetsa ka ba, ne tshwanetse go tle maburu a! Ene maburu a, they were supposed to having a cleansing and naming ceremony, so that they get their true identity as maSouth African. Instead of just talking in this amorphous superficial way, heh heh black and white shall live together. We have to live together as South Africans, irrespective of pigment. Trupa ya dilase, ke lena ma-inzile. Ka gore le lena ne le le gona ka mo jarateng ya tronko, le lena ne tshwantse le tlhapisiwe. Enden ge se ne ba tlhapisa batho bo botlhe, re kgopele baeng ba ba rona who dont technically qualify as South Africans. “Batho ba modimo goba ba satane, re tsweleng ka motse. Re nyaka go itsheba. Re kgone go tlhaloseta setšhaba gore bjanong tiro ya rona ke enge. Go na le buka e dese ya Nkrumah e bitswang Axioms of Nkrumah, e fang batho leano la gore maikarabelo a motho o mongwe le o mongwe o a leng karolo ya setšhaba ke enge in the collective upliftment. Ge se ne batho ba botlhe ba tsamaya ba ipoella ko bo bona, ne re tla re re tla ba bitsa ge re fetsa. Ka gore ba re thusitse gore re lwele tokollogo, re tla bona gore le re thusa bjang gore e tlhamalle. Thats why ke ngwetse sereto se se botlhokwa thata kgale ba re ke Ga re itshebeng. A re so be le nako ya go itsheba.” Ne tshwantse re bitse le boramatlhale ba ba alafang maikutlo le ditlhaloganyo, tsona disanusi tsa nnete, ge ele gore di sa le teng. Because it seems every Tom, Dick and Salamina setse e lethwasana. A re itse ke mang a jaivang, ke mang a na le nnete. Se se salang, ke nako ya go itsheba sefya. Ge re itshebile, re tla itse gore ro thoma go ikalafa ko kae, wa bona? Dikalafi tsa mathomo tshwantse gore di be ko creche. Gape batho ba ba godisang bana ba rena a ba itse le gore botlhokwa ba bana ke enge. Every one of us, a re yeng to these day care centres, re nne fela motshegare, ebile a re bereke, re bolaiwa ke bolofa. A re yeng daar, ho re re utlwa gore bana enge. Go tloga mo, ke gona re tla thomang go ikopantsha.
Masello Motana: Ke dumellana thata le mantswe a mogolo wa ka, mo ke sa dumellaneng le ena ke mo a reng re kobe batho ba go tswa ko ntle re kgone go itsheba. Potsiso ya ka ke gore ko ntle ga enge? A se gona go buselletsa methalo ya manong ge re re re lokisa go ya ka methalo ya Berlin? Bothata a se gore go na le mathata mo South Africa, aowa, South Africa ke yona bothata bo bo golo. Ge re sa utlwisise seo, re tlo nna re boella mo bolwetsing ba nkebe.

Karolo ya bobedi: Tlhokaleina.
Lefifi Tladi: Go na le dilo tse dine tse botlhokwa go bopa naga. Mo Afrika, tsatsi le dinaga di belegwang, di neiwa leina. Naga e tseiwa bjana ka lesea le le thlokang go fiwa leina. Dinaga tse ne di theilwe ka di direction, di filwe maina a mphya. Bontšhi ba bana ba rena a ba itse gore le go na le naga e bitswang South West Africa, e rile ge e belegwa ba re ga e sa le direction, ke Namibia. E ne ba re ke Bechuanaland, ge e belegwa ba re ke Botswana. E ne ba re ke Southern Rhodesia, ge e belegwa ba e theile Zimbabwe. Northern Rhodesia ya ba Zambia. Upper Volta, ba re ke Burkina Faso. Wa di bona tse tsotlhe gore di filwe maina a mphya. Ya rena erile ge e belegwa ba e tlogela ntse e le direction. Ebile batho ba ko kgole ba na le go tlabega ge ba re botsisa gore re tswa kae. Nagana ba go botsisa gore ngwana gao ke mang, e be o re ke North West! Naga e ya rena, ke tlhoka leina. Ne ntse re bolela ka taba ya leina la naga ka matsatsi ale, ge ke gopola le Don Mattera esale a dumellana le rena gore South Africa e, e tlhoka leina. We have to come up with the appropriate name. The most appropriate name we thought of was Gazania. Gazania ke leina la lelomo le basarwa ba le berekisang ge ba alafa. Ba bangwe ne ba na le pelaelo ka lelomo. Ge batho ba kgona go theya lewatle le lotlhe ka climate ba re ke Meditarenaean sea. Why can’t we call our country after a healing flower? Sa bobedi a re na flaga. Ka gore flaga e re e berekisang, ne ba rile ke Flag of National Unity, De Klerk e sa le Vice President ya Mandela. De Klerk never even finished his term. That flag of national unity e sa le ya fellwa ke mmereko tsatsi le ba ngadileng Nationalist Party. Tabakgolo ke gore flaga e ke cut and paste ya mebala ya ANC le ya Nationalist Party. Bjanong ka gore ga e sa le teng, what are we pledging to? Ene bontšhi a re itse le gore lentswe le la pledge le ra enge. It was called a flag of transition, it never transitioned so technically a re na flaga. Ba bangwe ba re, it was adopted. Ene ka sekgowa ge o adopter ke gore o amogela selo se e seng sa gago. Ya boraro, a re na le anthem. E re e opelang a se ya mo gae. E opediwa ko AU le dinaga tse dingwe. Ko bofellong re e bethile cut and paste le disteme. Ka madimabe batho ba bantšhi ba rena ashinki ba e bale disteme e, a ba itse le go re e ra goreng. Re opela dilo tse re sa di itseng, tsona tse bakileng June 16 e re bolelang ka yona kajeno, ka leleme le la bona batho ba bolaileng bana ba Soweto.

Sa bone se se bothlokwa ke gore naga e ngwe le engwe ge e kreya independence, e fa chelete ya yona leina. Le yona South Africa ge e tlo ba republic ba ngadile diponto tsa maBrittishi ba thoma go berekisa ranta. Basotho ba na le maluti, Batswana ba na le dipula, Maswati a na le malangeni. Rena sentse re kakatletse mosela wa Paul Kruger.
Mathe a omile bana ba mmu, a se lebogiwe.