One More Poem For Brother Dudu Pukwana
You soulfully
Extracted the unsoiled
Harmonies of the Bullfrog
And pitched it on the
Zenith of the Cicada
Taxing the ears of our
Sound Gods Beyond
The Limits of
Sound Consciousness
The Chamber of
Air as Communication.
UDudu wethu.
A sound magician
Goes beyond the limits
Turns the elements
That constitute Vim
As vehicles into
Force Fields
Of total sanity
Into Serenity.
The Genesis
Of all that is Supreme
Dudu your musics
Are Sound Sculptures
Of monumental Origamis
Warm and cold and mild
Climate Climaxes
Of godly tempers
That are Tempests
That mould Atmospheres
Of Planets that exist
In the Cosmos of Fantasy
Commonly called
“The Spirit World”
Your present rules
Our here now our HERENOW.
Dudu. The Grand Doyen
The Ying and Yang
Of our cosmic squared circles.
You are that moment
The split of the micro second
That turns light into a shadow
Past and Present
Giving birth to the moment
You are truly the
HERENOW. I hear you.

Dudu your songs
Ingoma Zakho
Have given me and some of us
The taste of our collective Tears
And only those who exist
In the realm of the gods
Have that sound capacity
To interpret the weight
Of a people’s sorrow
As though it was a movie
In the nightmare of those
Angels that understood
The Myth of Heaven.
Dudu your Holy Sounds
Are amazing
Beyond the Maze
of our daily nightmare
If only this was a dream
We would ride on your
Sound mares
Dudu as Ornette would say
“Your beauty is
A rare thing.”
Photos taken by Aryan Kaganof, backstage at the Bimhuis, Amsterdam, 1985.