On the Social Impact of Telling Your Own Story in Your Own Way
When a story needs to be told for the greater good, it will find its way into the collective consciousness because it is meant to connect with the visceral, tacit, vicarious and explicit knowledge of others, stir banished memories, get others to confidently speak up; and present itself for individual and collective healing.
The days of the handful dictating to the masses are over. ‘The masses are equal to the problems that confront them’ (Fanon), The way you express yourself is fine – don’t contort yourself to fit into someone else’s mould. It’s their mould, not mine. If they want me to fit into it, they must examine their dictator tendencies – whoever they are.
If we look at where the world finds itself right now, we have to wonder what the fuss about ‘leadership’ is all about. Does not appear as if any ‘leader’ got the memo from 2021. We are indeed equal in our vulnerability. Some just exude more confidence than others en kyk waa is os nou.
If we worry about the Queen’s english, commas en punte, spelling and grammar, we miss the point.
The story is precisely about breaking out of our colonised conditioning –
trusting that begripsontmoeting will happen; trusting that the reader will be forgiving and/or do their grammar nazi thing on it, but the story cannot escape them.
With the greatest respect to the privileged publishing industry – who gave you permission to silence anyone with your profit driven agenda?
We will write, we will publish in variety of ways, and we will encourage everytalentedbody, as in everyone, to ignore the thought and publishing police. To understand what it means to ‘produce’ knowledge. First as Self-determination, then as Counterpoint to the ways in which we are constructed and fixed as the ‘other’.
And we will examine our own internalised oppression and heal ourselves. Thank you. Gaan examine your eie shadow en shadow behaviours. Your way does not work, or rather, it only works for the few.