VIDEO – school kids – how they feel about Afrikaaps – ends with bell ringing.
Dis die aand voor tweeduisend en “x”ie
Innie paleis vannie keiser sit ek
Langs die tafel wat tax-collectors met spyse bedek
Gaste stap in met diamante ge-decorate on die nekke
Respek die Bill: aanmekaar word daar geskryf in die cheque boeke
Kameraman, vervang die tape en connect
Soos ons skarrel op diese aand met TDK’s ge-stack
It is the night before 2000 and X In the palace of the Kaiser I sit
next to the tax collector at the table decorated with food.
Guests walk in with diamonds decorating their necks.
Respect The Bill. Repetitively writing in cheque books.
Cameran, replace and tape and connect.
As we hustle on this night with a stack of TDK tapes.

Almal wat iemand is, is daar, tussen ydel gesprekke
Sien ek hoe politiek lounge met die sewe duiwels heel spef
Bellydancers van die fynste finesse is twaalf jaar oud
Enkel drape chains vannie ghetto’s
Amptenare speel kaarte: die stakes is petrol, water, minerale, education, rates, etc
Walms van vleis en spek is dik, maaltyd kom uit die gereg
Judge en staatsgetuie raak buite egtelik inmekaar gestrangle soos mosaic patterns op carpets
Everyone that’s anyone is there. Between idol chat
I see politicians lounging with seven devils completely oblivious.
Bellydancers with the finest finesse are 12 years old.
Anckles are draped in chains of the ghettos.
Officials are playing cards. The stakes are petrol, water, minerals, education and rates, etc.
Fumes of meat and pork are thick, the meal comes out of the deserts or law.
Judge and jury are intertwined like mosaic patterns on carpets.

Konstabels drink wyn uit ’n jar ge-shape soos ’n tet
’N vrag members op parlement nestle in ’n tattoo parlour
En stap uit met barcodes: die latest trend
Base ryk en gevestig maak gebruik vannie pleasure en cigars
Met complimente van working class pay, puff hulle, passive.
Die aand voor, nie agter of bo… Twee duisend en “x”
Constables drink wine out of a jar that is shaped like a breast.
A whole lot of members of parliament nestle in a tattoo parlour
and walk out with barcodes, the latest trend.
Bosses are rich and established, make use of the pleasure and cigars.
Paid with compliments from the working class, they puff passive.
The night before and not behind nor above 2000 and X.
VIDEO – school kids rep in the media – ends with kids laughing
Xhie xkom groot Xkak
Here comes big shit …
Komerende klae Kermend en kosbaar, kinders Skreeu, oor skaarse kos
Kan kerke ooit veel keuring kry? Kama, ja………………,
Die konsekwent is kon se chent Kom Kaapse Kind, Kompliment …
Worried and
complaining and valuable children shout about scars food.
Can churches also get a witness, Apparently yes
The consequence is cons child.
Come Cape Town Child, Compliment … join in
Klein-kind-kaal-kop (kom) os klop klop
(vat) n kak klap
Oom Klaas De Kaap
Is kla
Stap draf stap
Uit die kraal – Karada
Small child with bald head, come lets knock knock,
take a crap and slap.
Uncle Klaas De Kaap
is done.
Walk, jog, walk
out of the kraal – look at there …
Kan ek ook:- Konsonante kerf soos n kwas oorie canvas
Klap n kleptomaan van craft en culture katswink
Strapped, kaal oor n kerslig
Cancel die klas, eclectic is innie square Sit jy vas sonder gears vir jou clutch
Clueless in jou quest en jou council collaps
Can I also. Consonants carve like a paintbrush over the canvass. Slaps a kleptomaniac of craft and culture cats winks.
Strapped naked over a candlelight. Cancel the class, eclectic is in the square, you get stuck in. Gears for your clutch.
Clueless in your quest and your council collapses.
Kom khoi san kry terug jou land
Coloureds kom van khoi san verstand x2
Kom khoi san kry terug jou land
Coloureds kom van khoi san verstand x2
Kykie verstaan die San behoort aanie land
Ma die land kannie gekoop word ‘ie, so hou jou blerrie rand
Gaan vra die Xhosa en Zulu, wie was eerste hie
En die naam Xhosa ennie clicks het die Khoe vir hulle gegie
In Khoe mean Xhosa “Angry looking man”
Elke click in isiXhosa is oorspronklik vannie San
Boesman en Hottentot is gebruik om te beledig
Maar oorals staan die rotskuns nog stewig
Vir duisende jare, nie eens “Rockgrip” kan so maakie
Come Khoi and San, get back your land.
Coloureds come from Khoi & San understanding. x 2
Look, understand the San belongs to the land
But the land cannot be purchased so keep your damn rand
Go and ask the Xhosa and Zulu, who was here first?
The Khoi and San gave them the name Xhosa and the clicks
In Khoe, Xhosa means “Angry looking man”
Every click in isiXhosa originally comes from the San
Bushman and Hotnot was used to dehumanise
But, everywhere the rock art stands strong
For thousands of years, not even “Rockgrip” paints can do this

The “Gods Must Be Crazy”, ma rie San issie vaakie
Wie’s jou dom darkie, Afrikaans kom van ie kaap hie
Nou word elke dag, tweede nuwe jaar gemaak hie
Nie net vir ’n party, of apaart hie
Die menses sal hulself terug aan die land gie
Hie’s elke sogenoemde ras is gemix ou bra
Ma daais oek o’right, os is amal van Afrika …
The “Gods might be crazy” but the San is not asleep.
Who is your dumb darkie, Afrikaans come from the Cape
Now everyday is a 2nd New Year.
Not only a party, nor apart here
The people will return themselves to the land
Evey sol-called pure race is mixed my brother
But that’s also OK, we are all from Africa
Wie’s oppie aanval?
’N Belofte is ’n comfort to a fool Babilon is crucial Ghetto Youth
Wies oppie ytkyk?
In Hi Jack City, diesie land van InI
(luister na my woorde en my cry) X 2
Be on the attack,
a promise in a comfort to a fool. Babylon is crucial. Ghetto youth
be on the lookout,
Hijack City, This is the land of I and I
E(listen to my words and my cry) x2

Die taal is gekoop in ons slaap
Nou vat ons n stap met Afrikaaps Om dit terug te vat
Vra ma net die kat (Bliksemstraal) Want met passie en emosie
Is die taal van vol
Die klinkers laat die tonge rol
Die rhythm van die ghoema
Het die plek op hol
Dit bring Kretoa en Autshaumoa terug in nie kol
Want ons dans al in die rondte soos n dikkop tol.
Virrie Kaart en transport vir ’n legal bewys x 2 …..
The language is stolen in its sleep,
now we take a walk with Afrikaaps in an attempt to return it.
Just ask that cat,
because the language is filled with emotion and passion.
The consonants make the tongues roll. The rhythm and the Ghoema
drive the place crazy.
It brings Kratoa and Autchaumoa back into focus.
We’re dancing in a circle like a fat head top.
For the card and transport as legal proof x 2

Kom khoi san kry terug jou land Coloureds kom van khoi san verstand x 4
Come Khoi and San, get back your land. Coloureds come from Khoi & San understanding. X 2

Ek is ’n Khoi, ’n San
Stap saam die maan – met wild in my hand
En n dans- wat jou sit in n trans
My voorgeslag kon reen maak,
Stories vertel – was woelag!
Tog fashionable – het krale gemaak en gedra
Was multi coloured, universal… Geguide, deur die sterre en die maan
Tekens gelos op klippe en op land
Medisyne gekry –natuurlik-uit die aarde
Eers goed saam geliewe
Met verskille, maar tesame – Proud van hul taal, ja
Toe kom skepe van Batavia – Nou’s alles mixed tesame!!
I am a Khoi and a San
Walk along with the Moon and wildlife in my hand
and a dance, that will put you in a trance.
My ancestors could make rain.
Tell stories that were amazing.
Yet fashionable, made beads and clothes we wore.
We were muli-coloured, universal. Guided by the stars and moon.
We left signs on stones and on the land.
We got natural medicine from the earth.
We first lived together in harmony, with differences, but in unity. Proud of their language,
but then ships arrived from Batavia. Now everything is mixed up here.

Die gevoel is daar, ignorance loop in gevaar
Broese cruise in Mercedes ‘B’s en vang bullets en sake
Anne girl het n seun gebaar vroeg in haar teens
Idolise TV en plaas haar hoop innie drugs
Die worst virus op computers is pedophiles
Wat laaties victimize vanaf 7 -10 jaar en…
The feeling is there, ignorance walks in danger
Brothers cruise in Mercedes “B”s and catch bullets and cases
Another girl had a son early in her teens
Idolize TV and place our hope in the drugs
The worst virus on computers are pedophiles,
that victimize kids from 7 – 10 years old and …
Townships is ill, police waentjies skarrel virrie kill
Brasse raak missing elke naweek
Ek develop n film vannie teenoorgestelde
Sodat jy kan sien in watter siek en bitter society ons lewe
Die …… aan die brand
Laat on sweet waar ons staan
Moenier praat die waarheid?
Townships are ill, police hustle for the kill.
Friends/ buddies disappear every weekend.
I develop a film of an opposite
so that you can see in what a sick and bitter society we live.
The field is set alight,
let us sweat where we stand,
Moenier sing it ...

Alles was so mooi en groen vir ons
Kinders dans ommie vuur, ennie vrouens maakie kos.
Die man vertel ’n storie van ’n tyd Hoe sy oupa loop en jag ennie leeu kannie escape.
Everything was beautiful and green for us.
The children played around the fire and the women made the food.
The man told a story of a time.
How his grandfather waked to hunt and how the lion could not escape …
Kom khoi san kry terug jou land Coloureds kom van khoi san verstand x 4
Kom khoi san kry terug jou land Coloureds kom van khoi san verstand x4
Come Khoi and San, get back your land. Coloureds come from Khoi & San understanding. X 2
VIDEO – Arabic roots of Afrikaans, 1st school, slaves underscored by piano Video end – Moenier stands and begins to evolve prayer

Wiet jy, back in the day
het jou oumas en oupas swaar gekry. Baklei mekaar gestry opie einde vanie dag ’n niewe naam gekry.
Wiet jy back in the day was jou hande en voeta af gesny
’n Twak pil en ’n borrel wyn lat my lekker voel en haal weg die (pyn)
Nou lê hy so en kyk na die maan – al wat hy nou wil maak is sy storie vertel en sy mense stem saam. X2
Do you know that back in the day
our granparents had a hard time. Fought with each other and argued, but end of the day we got a new name. Do you that back in the day your hands and feet were cut off.
A tobacco spliff and a bottle of wine made you feel good and removed the pain.
Now he is laying and looking at the moon. All he now wants to do is tell his story and the people agree. x2
Ons maak n Ghoema song en ’n Nederlandse lied
As jy n storie vertel of ’n kaart wil skiet Dy klopse gedagte is ’n coloured ding
Maar in daai ding lê jou bloed en jou history in x2
Is nie ’n wit ding nie
Dit is nie ’n swart die (ding nie)
Dit is nie ’n bruin ding nie
Ko van mix briedie community
Is ’n history book / sonder ’n cover Van ’n wit bra wat soek virrie bruin vel lover
Vanne bruin ou / wat smaak vir ’n dop
Verkoop sy land virre twak mete kop
Nou lê hy so en kyk na die maan – al wat hy nou wil maak is sy storie vertel en sy mense stem saam. X2
We make a ghoema song from a Netherlands song
If you want to tell a story and joke. It’s a minstrel idea and a coloured thing.
It is in your blood and your history.
It’ s not a white thing,
its not a black thing.
It’s not a brown thing
It comes from a mix breed community.
It’ s a history book, without a cover, about a white person looking for a brown skinned lover.
About a brown guy that longs for a drink
and sells his land to one who cons him with lies. .
Now he is laying and looking at the moon. All he now wants to do is tell his story and the people agree.

Eendag was daa gewies ’n klein meisie
Nêrens wa die girl gaan voel sy tuisie
Niks watie girl doen is in pleisie
Die groot baas se: sytie Taal, sytie Race nie
Toe vatie girl ’n trot met haa Ancestor
Leer sy om te gat soek waa die les is
Doen wat jou ma gedoenit toe sy klein was
Toe sy rein was
Nog nuut innie Mitchells Plein was Mense soek waarheid
Van hie tot innie Kaap
Is ek wat praat
Doman, Namoah
Die soldier vannie Kaapse Vlakte Oh Ja
Hemel oppie Aarde Vas meni tou UHH!
One day there was a little girl.
Nowhere that she went did she feel at home.
Nothing that she did was in order.
The boss says that she does not have a language nor a race.
Then she took a walk with her ancestors
and learned to look where the lessons were.
Do what your mother did when she was small.
When she was pure
and new in Mitchells Plain.
People are looking for truth
from here till in the Cape.
It’s me speaking
Doman, Namoah.
The soldier from the Cape Flats. Oh, yes,
heaven on earth
connected …

Nou lê hy so en kyk na die maan – al wat hy nou wil maak is sy storie vertel en sy mense stem saam. X2
Ons maak n Ghoema song daar en n Nederlandse lied
As jy n storie vertel of ’n kaart wil skiet
Dy klopse gedagte is ’n coloured ding Maar in daai ding le jou bloed en jou history in x2
Now he is laying and looking at the moon. All he now wants to do is tell his story and the people agree.
We make a ghoema song, from a Netherlands song,
if you want to tell a story and play a joke.
A minstrel idea is a coloured thing. But in that thing your blood and history can be found. x 2
…voelie pyn…X2
Nou le hy so en kyk na die maan – al wat hy nou wil maak is sy storie vertel en sy mense stem saam. X2
feel the pain x 2
Now he is laying and looking at the moon. All he now wants to do is tell his story and the people agree
BUTTERNUT – The name of his Grandfather’s donkey

My oupa se donkie
Het jy die bordjie daar onner teen die rivier sien staan? Het djy gelees wat daar staan, weet djy wat se die woorde? Janneman keer om die koffiekan, ons moet gaan. Want die berg behoort aan ’n man. As die son oor die randjies stap en die klippe oppie koppies bak. Waar die koggelmanners hulle kakkes oppie klippe kap
Van vroeg tot laat – al af teen die hakkies draad.
My oupa se donkie se naam is Butternut
Butternut want my oupa se baard is kroes en hard
Dis van al die leed en smart
My grandfather’s donkey.
Did you see the sign that stands alongside the river? Did you read what it says? Do you know what the words mean? Janneman, turn over the coffee can, we must go because this land now belongs to a man. When the sun rises over the ridge and the stones on the mountains begin to bake, where the lizards knock their jaws against the stones.
From early till late, all along the barbed wire.
My grandfather’s donkey’s name is Butternut.
Butternut because my grandfather’s beard is kinky and hard.
It’s from all the struggle and strife.
Hy’t ’n lappie grond in die Hantam gehad
’n Paar onderonsies met die veldkornet
Die 1906 en die 1913 land act Van vroeg tot laat
Het die boer kom praat
Tot waar span hy sy doringdraad
As pa daaroor praat
Begin die trane spat
Want die ou kerel het die wereld baie lief gehad
As die son oor die randjies stap en die klippe oppie koppies kap
Waar die koggelmanders helle kakkes oppie klippe kap
Van vroeg tot laat – al af teen die hakkiesdraad – x lots
He had a bit of land in the Hantam.
He had a few altercations with the field cornet/ sergeant,
about the 1906 and 1913 land act. From early until late
the Boer came to talk
about where he will lay his barbed wire.
When father begins to speak about that,
the tears start to run,
because the old guy really loved this part of the world.
When the sun rises over the ridge and the stones on the mountains begin to bake,
where the lizards knock their jaws against the stones.
From early till late, all along the barbed wire.
Hierie kaap is gekaap, ge-hijack.
This Cape Town is Hi-jacked, stolen …