Solidarity as Disruption
Solidarity disrupts the systems of inequality and hierarchy. In dealing with the migrations in recent years, the solidarity with refugees and migrants, in contrast to the violent politics of the fortress, lead to a re-examining of the very meaning and the possibility of solidarity. How to think of solidarity as a political project and re/activate its methods through the cinema? How to rethink the historical heritage as a resource and work on a contemporary register of solidarity?
Tracing the connections of modes of production and political practice in cinema, the programme will explore the archive and continuity of emancipation politics, observing solidarity through the disruptive practices of cinema: from the de-elitisation of the production (radical amateurism) and the spatial politics of everyday to kinepolitics, the cinema which reflects the movement of the people, to the aesthetic forms and documents of workers’ life practices in the films and film fronts which are re-claiming the future.

In screenings, a Podium discussion and lectures, the programme builds on the heritage and contemporary positions of cinema and artistic practice from the former Yugoslavia since the 1960s in an international dialogue, including films by Želimir Žilnik, Tomoslav Gotovac, Bojana Marjan, Igor Grubić, Nika Autor, Vlado Kristl, Krsto Papić, Dušan Makavejev, Doplgenger, Chto Delat and others.