When I started writing my stories, I didn’t know that there was a time I had to go out and talk to people about them. I had never attended a book launch or book festival before. I was just comfortable writing. However, to ensure the success of my stories I had to take myself out of my comfort zone. But I had a challenge though in facing an educated audience because of my lack of a university qualification. I experienced anxiety and self-doubt.
And it was my brother who stepped in. He gave me a priceless advice. He told me that they’re my stories. No one knows my story better than me. I shouldn’t feel intimidated. If I wanted to be successful I had to go out there and share my stories without any sign of diffidence.
Since then I have developed some confidence to speak confidently about my stories. His advice echoed Marcus Garvey’s words I encountered while reading; words that I now treasure:
If you lack confidence you are twice defeated in the race of life.