Musidrawology as Methodology
Musidrawology is the process through which the artist Dathini Mzayiya explores that branch of knowledge where drawing and sound intersect. Musidrawology requires the artist’s canvas to be miked up, enabling each mark on canvas to resonate an amplified sound. Using charcoal and his fingers as sound producers, Mzayiya renders over rhythmic time a canvas comprised of labyrinthine vestibules of intense dynamism.
My sound drawings are explorations of sound and mark making. The marks develop, because as an artist one follows a rhythmic motion. The layering of the lines makes sense, the layering of lines become a rhythm of sort, a harmony. The artist listens as he makes a mark, and observes the direction the marks are taking you towards. In some way, sound drawings are also a spontaneous challenge, that as an artist, you enter into. Like when you are in a boxing ring – the drawing presents you with challenges along the way.
In musidrawology, there are already a set of challenges, and a set of processes that one gets through. Musidrawology is a breaking away from your usual way of drawing. Because we artists are always confined to individual isolated spaces and defined by expectations from the ‘outside’ which looks at end result and not the process of making art. Musidrawology is about showing the process of making art.
One of the fundamental ideas in Musidrawology is ‘challenge’. Letting go of your norms of practice and opening up to your levels of creativity and artistry: confident of mark making, drawing always a space to regain your brush-stroke making, healing return, regaining of technique. Musidrawology invokes one’s entire creative process, in which one makes certain choices which are not dependent on an outside person for validation.

Musidrawology Project
Musidrawology is a study, exploring the dynamic intersection of sound and drawing. Creating a symbiotic relationship between auditory and visual expression by merging the rhythmic cadence of sound with the expressive drawing strokes. Through this experimentation, the Musidrawology Project aims at transcending traditional boundaries to uncover new forms of artistic expression.